Val Garland MAC cosmetics MasterClass In London

London is the place where all artists meet and inspire one another. In a special Master makeup event presented by Val Garland, a group of makeup artists who are united in their passion for makeup made a huge impact on exchanging ideas and opinions in the art of makeup. Val Garland is well known for the creative sculpture art in each photo she presents. The photo itself is a piece of art.

The room was amazing and very inspiring. I met many makeup artists from all over the world, 2 from Milano, 2 from Sweden, 1 from Denmark and many more.

However, we were like 20 people, we left the hotel to the cocktail reception; it was freezing when we arrived and there was like 100 makeup artists waiting in line to get inside. We mingled at the reception with various nationalities and different background until it was a time to take a seat and let the show begin.

5 Models sat on chairs

5 Models sat on chairs

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Valentine’s Makeup tutorial by Hala Ajam

Wanted to share this valentine make up style with all of you
Makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

Makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

1- Apply foundation all over the face
2- Apply concealer two shades lighter than your skin on your forehead and the bridge of your nose and your shin and under your eyes to highlight The face .
3- Use a darker shade of your skin tone to contour your face , the most common is to use use it  under the cheekbones and the two sides of your forehead . But it could be use for more correction, it depend on the shape of the face.
4-Loose powder all over the face to set the base.
5- Use a sheer pink blush cause it will look natural on the apple of the cheek.
6-Fill your eyebrow with a natural brow color that is close to your hair color.( if dark hair use dark brown etc).and brush it upward following the natural arch.
7-Use a light shadow like white ,beige, pale, rose, cream allover the eyelid
8- Use a medium color like caramel,reddish brown, prune  ,bronze,peach, in the crease of the eye all the way to the bridge of the nose using a big blending brush,and under the lash line and connect the upper shadow withe the lower one.
9-Place the shimmer in light color to reflect the light in the inner corner of your eyes.
10-Use a darker color like dark brown or black or purple or burgundy in the inner crease of the eye with a small blending brush but don’t go all the way this time ,stop before you get to the middle ,unless your eyes are fa r apart you can continue to blend in . Do the same under your lower lash line but closer to your lashes.
11-Apply eye kohl in black or any color that you desire inside the rim of your eyes
12- Liquid eyeliner on the upper lash line and wing it at the end a little for a little drama .
13-Apply a set of false eyelashes
14-Apply your favorite lipstick or gloss .(for red lipstick I love russian red from Mac)
Makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

Makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

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Hala Ajam.

(الماكياج الشفاف (بلون البشرة

إن الماكياج الشفاف هو، برأيي، الأقرب إلى أن يكون خفياً. فهذا النوع من الماكياج يحسّن اللون الطبيعي للبشرة والوجه. ولهذا السبب يجب على كريم الأساس أن يكون فاتح اللون. أما أحمر الخدود فيجب أن يوضع بلونيه الخوخي والوردي على عظمة الخد كي يبدو الوجه مفعماً بالنضارة والحيوية كما لو كان هذا هو اللون الطبيعي لاحمرار وجنتي المرأة. ونصل إلى الشفاه والتي لا يجب أن يتم تحديدها، بل تلوينها بشكل خفيف. كما أن ظل الجفون يجب أن يكون طبيعياً، ومن ثم يضاف القليل من الماسكارا بشكل لا يُذكر. فهذه حيلة جيدة كي تتاظهري سيدتي بأن تضعين الماكياج!

مكياج هالة عجم

مكياج هالة عجم


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Hala Ajam.

Makeup Looks: Innocent Vs. Dramatic

There are several makeup looks that bring out the beauty of a woman’s face, and she can choose the look depending on her mood, style or the occasion. In this blog, we shed the light on the innocent and the dramatic makeup looks.

You can go either way looking extra special, by adding just a few details to your makeup, or you can apply a little makeup on and still look ready for a night out.

However, if you prefer the stronger look, accentuate your eyebrows with a pencil and further reveal the depth of your eyes through a smoky look.

Innocent makeup artist by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

Innocent makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

innocent makeup by Hala Ajam

makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

Tip 1: to let your lips look attractive all night long, fill your lips with a lip liner then apply your favorite lip color or lip gloss over it.

dramatic makeup by Hala Ajam

dramatic makeup by Arab makeup artist Hala Ajam

Tip 2: applying dark eye shadow to your crease will help give depth to your eyes.

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Hala Ajam.

It’s the Holiday season! Party people makeup tips by Hala Ajam

Reveal your true spirit by expressing yourself. Light colors, nude lipstick and a little shimmer is the way to go looking natural to a part.

Tip: for a dramatic look apply blusher below your cheekbones. Applying different blusher colors to your cheeks can make you look completely different. Use pinkish shades to mimic the natural blushing look, or opt for the bronzy ones to form cheekbones. You will look different and reflect a different personality. You will be amazed how little details can change your look, from the color of the blusher to the hair style.

Tip: Dancing all night will fade your makeup away. Avoid this by always creating a base for your eyes to last all the night. Use an eye pencil of the same color as the eye shadow, before applying the latter.


this text was from taken from Hala Ajam’s makeup book Face to face


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Hala Ajam.

Artistic makeup: Inspiration through nature

Working is the moment when imagination and art meet. All people involved are given complete freedom to openly express their creativity. It is an opportunity to break away from the confinements we are usually conscious of, and discover how far our talents can take us.

Often, what is most fascinating to watch is the transformation of the ordinary object into the something extraordinary; turning a wheat blade into an eyelash, using the sequin of an old dress on the eyebrows, or a flower petal in place of eye shadow. The possibilities are endless, as is our imagination.

Makeup by Hala Ajam

Makeup by Hala Ajam


The art of creating, challenging the laws of nature, and breaking down visual barriers is not just for those who use paints and brushes. A makeup artist, like a painter, uses their imagination to create unforgettable images.

Such creativity is expressed during photo shoots, when there is no choice but to resort to all resources, both real and imaginary. Subsequently, we learn how to create in the most inventive ways.

Makeup by Hala Ajam

Makeup by Hala Ajam

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Hala Ajam.

Hala Ajam 2011-12 Winter Ad

This palette was inspired by the great work of the much talented Alexander McQueen. I did this makeup in loving memory of the legendary designer and his highly artistic work using skulls.

I drew a skull-shape with metal stickers on the model’s face after finishing the makeup. I went strong with the stickers on her eyes because I wanted the latter to be the dominant part in this photo. A closer look at the photo and focusing on the eyes gives the sense that the model resembles a lioness with her fierce look.

As for the lips, I went for the full-effect red, the perfect color to symbolize feminism.

Hala Ajam 2011-12 winter ad

Hala Ajam 2011-12 winter ad

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Hala Ajam.

Working with celebrities

Nothing brings greater recognition to a professional, be it a fashion designer, a hairdresser or a makeup artist, than celebrity’s endorsement. Throughout my career, my skills and creative talent have been called upon and put to the test by working with singers and celebrities. The challenge for me is to create a different look for a CD cover, video clip, or performance for the artist. I am always ready to push the boundaries, and create fresh and innovative images.

Hala Ajam and Elie Saab and Marie jose Hneine

Hala Ajam and Elie Saab and Marie jose Hneine

One of my greatest passions in makeup is to pick up a theme and a vision, and create a completely new and unique image. Sometimes, it is hard to convince an artist to go for a total change in their look. However, when he is surrounded by a professional team, trust plays its role and he gives up to the innovation. It is always good to try changing the look.

Hala Ajam and Claudia Shiffer

Hala Ajam and Adriana Karembeau

Hala Ajam and Nawal El Zoghbi

Hala Ajam and Assala

Hala Ajam and Assala

Hala Ajam and Shirine Abed EL Wahab

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Hala Ajam.

Liquid Eyeliner by Hala Ajam

Hala Ajam’s talks about the liquid Eyeliner

the liquid eyeliner creates a bolder effect, as the color is the richer and the line is more precise. when applying liquid liner, it is best done as close as possible to the mirror, as control is essential in application. Haul the eyelid taut and outwards, and draw a line close to your lash line. If you wish to go thicker, simply repeat the same movement above the original line and so forth.

Another trick to start with a thin line and get thicker as you go across then thinner to the outer corner and then upwards a bit, creating a feline appearance to the eye. The effect can be dramatic and will create a whole new shape to the eye. It can give you a retro look.


Pro tip:

If you want the eye to look raised and more open, draw a thin line across the upper lid, stopping just before the lash line ends. Then take the line upwards into a gentle curve. If you want your eyes to appear larger, simply follow the shape of your eye, and then continue with a small line just beyond the lashes.

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Hala Ajam.

قلم كحل العينين من أخصائية التجميل اللبنانية هالة عجم

يمنح هذا القلم الإطلالة رونقاً ناعماً وهو يأتي في مجموعة من الألوان المختلفة. كما أن استخدام قلم كحل لرسم خط قريب جداً من الرمش هو من أسهل الطرق لاستعمال هذا القلم. إذ ليس من الضروري أن تكون هذه الخطوط ممتازة لأنه بالإمكان مزجها لاحقاً بفرشاة أو اسفنجة ومن ثم تُغطى بظل جفون من اللون ذاته لإضافة حدة إلى المظهر. كما أن هذا الأمر يجعل الرموش تبدو أكثر امتلاءاً.

وللحرص على أن يمتزج الخط الذي تضعينه سيدتي داخل عينكِ، ضعي خطاً رفيعاً من ظل الجفون تحت خط الرمش الأسفل كي تمنعيه من الإنسياب. وكي تحصلي على إطلالة طبيعية، استخدمي لون ظلال جفون فاتح ويشبه لون البشرة كالبيج أو الرمادي الداكن. أما إذا كنت تريدين الحصول على مظهر “سموكي”، قومي ببناء اللون تدريجياً باستعمال ظل الجفون الأسود حتى تحصلى على الحدة المطلوبة. وسيكون الأثر الإجمالي إطلالةً تخطف الأنظار وتناسب عينيكِ. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وكي تكون هذه الإطلالة طبيعية أكثر، ولكن ذات طابع مماثل، اختاري الألوان الأفتح من درجات الرمادي أو البني.

هذا النص من كتاب هالة عجم Face to face

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Hala Ajam.